Numbers in Names

     Numbers, numbers! What would our world be without numbers? It's quite obvious that there would be no mathematicians or school math teachers. Sciences, like chemistry, physics, biology, couldn't exist for long without them. And the economic world of banks and stores couldn't operate very well either. So for good or evil, numbers are a necessity to the smooth functioning of many areas of life.

     But did you ever think what would happen to literature, book and movie titles if there were no numbers? Charles Dickens could not have written A Tale of Two Cities without the number "2". Nathaniel Hawthorne could not have written The House of Seven Gables without a "7". Who could imagine Charlton Heston starring in a movie titled "Some Commandments", when everybody knows that there are ten commandments?

     It's mind boggling, to say the least, to contemplate the chaos that would be rampant in our non-math world if there were no numbers. So with that thought in mind, WTM takes great pleasure in presenting to you a modest collection of facts and trivia about the importance of numbers in naming such diverse things as books, short stories, movies, songs, musical groups, and yes, even household cleaning products, to name but a few categories. Mind you, it is not meant to be a complete list, rather an open-ended list, never finished. In fact, we invite you, the reader, to submit your ideas to us. If it is a good one, we will add it to this page.

     So without further ado, let's begin with some interesting and famous, or not-so-famous, book titles.


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Short Stories & Fairy Tales

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Personal and Household Products

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